Lax in the 305 blog

What are your LAX Tendencies ?
5 team bonding activities you and you team will love!

5 Team Bonding Activities
5 team bonding activities you and you team will love!

Having confidence in yourself takes time and is a skill that’s always developing. “She believed she could, so she did” is one of my favorite quotes of all time and can really help with simplifying how to gain confidence.

5 dangerous things sports culture should stop glamorizing
Hey there, fellow sports enthusiasts and champions of life! It's your friendly ex-D1 athlete turned D1 coach, now diving into the world of therapy and mental health coaching. Hi, I’m Cindi, founder of Sports, Food, and Mental Health.

Level Up Your Stickwork Game: Focus on Speed and Fitness, Be EPIC!
Too often, I see high school and college players mindlessly checking off their stickwork drills or packets for the day, simply going through the motion against a wall. Uninspired, dispassionate, and honestly not getting ANY better!

Recruiting Mistake #1: Neglecting the Layered List Approach
Attention student-athletes! Here's a trend you must avoid: not having a layered list of colleges or universities you are considering!

Best practices to send introduction emails to your list of college coaches
You’re headed into a big tournament weekend and it’s time to get those coaches emails out, but before you hit send, do your homework. The schools you reach out to should be the universities that you’ve looked into carefully.